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Ahead of Trump's inauguration, Philly immigration advocates call on local leaders for support

By Nigel Thompson on January 18th, 2025.

Ahead of Trump's inauguration, Philadelphia advocates call on local leaders to protect immigrant communities, focusing on figures like Mayor Cherelle Parker and Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon. Activists, including Nancy Nguyen, push for stronger support and reaffirmation of the city’s sanctuary policies to combat rising threats.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

How crime closed a community staple in South Philadelphia

By Nigel Thompson. November 11, 2024.

Alma Romero’s dream business, Alma del Mar, came to a heartbreaking end after a violent assault and a string of unaddressed crimes in South Philadelphia. From the emotional toll of the attack to the frustration with the police response, Alma’s story is one of resilience in the face of adversity. “How many times were you hit?” the officer asked—a question that shaped her path to justice.

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Civic Engagement, Racial Justice Inti Media Civic Engagement, Racial Justice Inti Media

As the presidential election approaches, Philly's Indigenous community highlights affordable housing, land, and sovereignty

By Camila Carolina Romero and Gabriela Watson-Burkett. November 3, 2024.

As the presidential election nears, Philadelphia's Indigenous community emphasizes affordable housing, land rights, and sovereignty. Despite historical voting advancements, Indigenous peoples remain underrepresented. The effects of colonization, poverty, and systemic inequities persist, highlighting the urgent need for policies that address their rights and living conditions.

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Civic Engagement, Women Empowerment Inti Media Civic Engagement, Women Empowerment Inti Media

Building diversity in healthcare: The impact of immigrant caregivers

By Jensen Toussaint. November 1, 2024.

The healthcare industry is essential for all communities, yet diverse groups remain underrepresented in its workforce. Despite 33% of U.S. nurses being Black, Asian, or Hispanic, these groups make up 39% of the population. Programs like Accesso Care are empowering immigrant CNAs to fill critical roles amidst a nursing shortage. By offering training and community support, they aim to create a compassionate, skilled workforce that reflects the diversity of the nation and addresses healthcare needs.

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Women Empowerment, Civic Engagement Inti Media Women Empowerment, Civic Engagement Inti Media

Empowering Immigrant Voices: The Importance of Latine Voter Participation

By Nabila Haddad. October 30, 2024.

This November 5th, it’s crucial for immigrants to recognize their impact on the U.S. economy. With 63 million Latines contributing $3.2 trillion, their voices matter in shaping policies that affect their communities. Many face barriers like language and misinformation, but participation is essential. As Jennifer Rodriguez from GPHCC states, communities that don’t engage often remain underserved.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

Vivienda asequible en Filadelfia: Cómo podría ser el futuro para las comunidades latinas

Por Jensen Toussaint. 16 de Octobre de 2024.

Filadelfia ha sido tradicionalmente accesible en comparación con otras grandes ciudades, pero el mercado de vivienda ha cambiado, convirtiendo la compra de propiedades en un desafío, especialmente para familias de bajos ingresos. La comunidad latina está particularmente afectada, con muchas familias sobrecargadas con costos de vivienda. Las elecciones de 2024 pueden influir en estas cuestiones de accesibilidad.

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Líderes locais discutem as barreiras e preocupações que os cidadãos naturalizados podem ter no dia das eleições

Por Tiffany Rivera. 30 de setembro de 2024.

No dia 5 de novembro, os eleitores comparecerão aos seus locais de votação para escolher o próximo Presidente dos Estados Unidos. Em cidades como a Filadélfia, é fundamental que os cidadãos imigrantes se sintam acolhidos e preparados para participar deste importante momento democrático. Entenda o trabalho de conscientização acerca do tema.

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Moradias acessíveis: Como pode ser o futuro para as comunidades latinas 

Por Jensen Toussaint. 16 de outubro de 2024.

Filadélfia tem sido tradicionalmente acessível em comparação com outras grandes cidades, mas o mercado habitacional mudou, tornando a compra de imóveis um desafio, especialmente para famílias de baixa renda. A comunidade latina é particularmente afetada, com muitas famílias sobrecarregadas com custos habitacionais. A eleição de 2024 pode influenciar essas questões de acessibilidade.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

Affordable housing in Philadelphia: What the future could look like for Latine communities

By Jensen Toussaint,. October 16, 2024.

Philadelphia, once known for affordable housing, now sees median home prices around $208,000, complicating homeownership for first-time buyers, especially in the Latino community, where income disparities are significant. As the presidential election nears, candidates' differing views on housing affordability could impact the future of homeownership in the U.S.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

Latino voters are a growing force in Pennsylvania’s old industrial towns − and they could provide Harris or Trump with their margin of victory

A. K. Sandoval-Strausz Professor of History, Penn State. Originally published on The Conversation US. October 4, 2024.

Puerto Ricans make up over half of Pennsylvania's Latino population, with around 300,000 eligible voters in the state. As the 2024 election approaches, endorsements from figures could influence voter turnout, particularly in key areas such as Northampton County. With about 90,000 Latino voters still undecided, their decisions may play a significant role in the election outcome, prompting both major parties to focus on engaging this demographic.

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Speaking the Truth: Local Leaders Discuss the Barriers and Concerns Naturalized Citizens May Have During Election Day

By Tiffany Rivera. September 30, 2024.

As the November 5 election approaches, immigrant voters in Philadelphia face unique challenges that can hinder participation. The "Pathways to the Polls" event highlighted these issues, emphasizing the importance of voter information and trust-building within communities. With 16% of the population being foreign-born, leaders like Jennifer Rodriguez and Vivian Chang stressed that educating immigrants on the voting process is crucial for ensuring their voices are heard in this pivotal election.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

Abordar la seguridad pública en el sur de Filadelfia requiere un enfoque integral

Por Jensen Toussaint. 23 de agosto de 2024. Traducido por Ericka Conant.

En Filadelfia, la seguridad pública es una preocupación constante para los residentes, quienes enfrentan la violencia y el aumento de accidentes de tráfico en sus vecindarios. Muchos sienten que la falta de recursos y atención a problemas locales afecta su calidad de vida. La implementación de tecnologías, como cámaras en semáforos, ha sido bien recibida, pero los ciudadanos también demandan soluciones más efectivas para abordar el ruido de vehículos y mejorar la convivencia en sus comunidades.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

Addressing public safety in South Philadelphia takes an all-hands-on-deck approach

By Jensen Toussaint. September 26th, 2024.

In Philadelphia, public safety is a constant concern for residents, who face violence and an increase in traffic accidents in their neighborhoods. Many feel that the lack of resources and attention to local issues affects their quality of life. The implementation of technologies, such as cameras at traffic lights, has been well received, but citizens also demand more effective solutions to address vehicle noise and improve coexistence in their communities.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

“No tener miedo de alzar la voz” - Inmigrantes en el sur de Filadelfia reflexionan sobre seguridad pública

Por Jensen Toussaint,. 23 de agosto de 2024. Traducido por Ericka Conant.

En el sur de Filadelfia, los residentes luchan por vidas productivas, siendo la seguridad pública un aspecto crucial. Aunque la seguridad puede significar cosas diferentes, los expertos la definen como la protección del público. Los líderes comunitarios enfatizan la necesidad de abordar las necesidades humanas básicas junto con la reducción del crimen, ya que los recientes aumentos en la criminalidad generan preocupaciones sobre la seguridad y la calidad de vida.

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Civic Engagement Inti Media Civic Engagement Inti Media

“Not feeling afraid to use your voice and speak up” - Latine Immigrants reflect on public safety in South Philly

By Jensen Toussaint. September 17th, 2024.

In South Philadelphia, residents strive for productive lives, with public safety being a crucial aspect. While safety can mean different things, experts define it as the protection of the public. Community leaders emphasize addressing basic human needs alongside crime reduction, as recent crime surges raise concerns about safety and quality of life.

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