Empowering Immigrant Voices: The Importance of Latine Voter Participation
By Nabila Haddad. October 30, 2024.
This November 5th, it’s crucial for immigrants to recognize their impact on the U.S. economy. With 63 million Latines contributing $3.2 trillion, their voices matter in shaping policies that affect their communities. Many face barriers like language and misinformation, but participation is essential. As Jennifer Rodriguez from GPHCC states, communities that don’t engage often remain underserved.
“Not feeling afraid to use your voice and speak up” - Latine Immigrants reflect on public safety in South Philly
By Jensen Toussaint. September 17th, 2024.
In South Philadelphia, residents strive for productive lives, with public safety being a crucial aspect. While safety can mean different things, experts define it as the protection of the public. Community leaders emphasize addressing basic human needs alongside crime reduction, as recent crime surges raise concerns about safety and quality of life.
Inti Media se junta à coalizão Every Voice Every Vote para elevar o compromisso cívico na comunidade latina da Filadélfia
Por Jennifer Hernandez, 1º de agosto de 2024. Tradução por Nabila Haddad.
Inti Media está se juntando à coalizão Every Voice, Every Vote para melhorar a cobertura de questões críticas para comunidades sub-representadas na Filadélfia.
Inti Media se une a la coalición Every Voice Every Vote para impulsar la participación cívica en la comunidad latina de Filadelfia
Por Jennifer Hernandez. 1 de Agosto de 2024.
Inti Media se une a la coalición Every Voice, Every Vote para mejorar la cobertura de temas críticos para comunidades subrepresentadas en Filadelfia.